Schattner & Schmerler names found on Ukraine Trip

In this appendix are listed the names of Schattners and Schmerlers that were encountered during our summer 2001 trip.  For more explanation of these lists, see the trip report.

1. Schattner and Schmerler gravestones located
Each listing includes the cemetery where the gravestone was found and any other information that could be determined from the gravestone about the individual.  Where I know (or have a reasonable guess) as to the identity of the individual, a link is provided to the genealogical chart where they may be found.

Schattner, Chaim    Kuty                 Possibly  son of Joseph and Kreindel - page 2 of Charts   
Schattner,  ?    Kuty  wife of Chaim
Schattner,  Michel    Kuty
Schmerler, Sara,     Solotvina    died age 75, daughter of Yosef               Possibly  wife of Shmuel Schmerler - page 2 of Schmerler Charts   
Schmerler, Menachim Chaim,     Solotvina
Schmerler, Rivka,     Delyatin    daughter of Yosef

2. Schattners and Schmerlers in the Czernovitz Jewish cemetery listings
Each listing includes the gravesite location and year of death of the individual.  Unfortunately, without the cemeterey directory, which is lost,  the "locations" proved to be useless.

Schattner, Chave, p 57 A. 226 d. 1917
Schattner,  Rifka, p45, Gr 142, d. 1925
Schattner, Nachman, p. 61-A Gr. 108, d. 1925
Schattner,  Zivje, p.46-C, Gr. 47, d. 1929
Schattner,  Krendel, p. 31-C, Gr. 53, d. 1932           Probably wife of Josef Schattner - page 2 of Charts
Schattner,  Chaim, p31-C, Gr 130, d. 1931
Schattner,   Josef, p. 62, --, d. 1933                          Probably son of Mordechai Schattner - page 2 of Charts
Schmerler, Moses, p 65, A. 52, 1916

3. Names in 1913 Czernowitz Addressbook, ( page 184)
Each listing gives the individual's name, occupation and street address.  Note that in the 1913 Addressbook, listings are in German, while in the 1915 Addressbook, the lsitings are in Roumanian.  Where I know (or have a reasonable guess) as to the identity of the individual, a link is provided to the genealogical chart where they may be found.

Schattner, Mendel, Kaufman, Liliengasse 22                      Possibly  son of Meyer - page 15 of Charts
Schattner, Nuchim, Kaufman, Kuczermarerstr. 14              Possibly  son of Pinkas - page 15 of Charts
Schattner,  Pinkas, Getreidehandler, Rudolfsplatz 3            Possibly  son of Joseph - page 15 of Charts
Schattner, Schulim, Vermittler,  Dr-Reissgasse 12              Son of Leib Schattner - page 1 of Charts

4. Names in 1915 Czernowitz Addressbook, ( Schattner listings are on page 181 of the Addressbook)
Schattner, Abraham, croitor, Severeneo 10
Schattner, Leon, comerc., Catedralei 8
Schattner,  Leon, tapiter. , Reg. Ferdinand 31
Schattner,  Pincas, comerc. , Reg. Ferdinand 25
Schmerler, Israel, comerc., Fabrecei 17
Schmerler, Simon, cismar.., Garnizaone
Schmerler, Susie, part., Harmuzachi 5

5. "Ghetto lists" from Rabbi Kolesnik
These lists indicated the name, date-of-birth, occupation and location of the individual.  The middle name indicates the name of the individual's father in the usual Slavic manner.  Heads-of-households are listed first, with the other family members listed after.  Unfortunately, the list are hard to read and are in Ukrainian.  Consequently there may well be errors in my transcriptions.  In cases where an item was completely unintelligible to me, I have palced a question mark.

Schattner Max Berzovich 1890 ?   Rohatyn getto
     Shura  ?  1892 homemaker
     Natan   1913 ?
     name?   1915 ?
     Hana   1917 ?
Schattner Adam Leonovich 1897 merchant  location?
     Roza Germanovna 1900 homemaker
     Herman  1927 student
     Berta   1930 student
     Dora   1933 student
Schattner Ruben Iosephovich 1905 ?   Rohatyn getto
     Maya Jakovna? 1907 homemaker
     Marta   1929 student
     Lazar   1931 student
     Roza    1933 student
Schmerler Riva  1862 homemaker   location?
     Frida   1889 homemaker
     Brana   1894 homemaker
     Leah   1896 homemaker
Schmerler Mechel  1900 laborer   location?
     Adel Chaimovna 1889 homemaker
     Jacob   1923 laborer
     Chaim   1926 studen
     Maya    1928 student?
Schmerler Isak Iosevich 1897 laborer  Bolechiv?
     Ruth Finichivna 1900 homemaker
      Rubin   1923 laborer
     Roza   1922 laborer
     Ozili    1923 laborer
     Marta    1926 ?
     Ira    1929 ?

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This page last updated on 10/15/01