Search letter

This is the letter I used in my attempt to locate distant (Schattner) family relatives.  Search letters for my other family branches were similar.

Dear Mr. Schattner,

 Hello. My name is Peter Schattner. I recently found your name in a listing of telephone directories while searching for other "Schattners." I am attempting to discover members of other branches of my family tree. Since the name Schattner is rather uncommon, I wonder whether we may be related in some way.

 My father's family is Jewish and comes from Austria, Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. They lived primarily in a region called the Bukovina, near the current Romanian and Ukrainian border, within the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many lived in the town of Kuti, near the city of Chernovitz (now Chernovsty) in what is now the Ukraine. Since my paternal great-grandfather Mordco Schattner was one of seven brothers, I know that there were quite a few Schattners even in my more immediate family. Many undoubtedly were killed during World War II. However, I also know that several left for the United States (and elsewhere) before and during the war.

 If the Schattner Family to which you belong is Jewish, chances are pretty good we are related in some way. If they originally came from Southeastern Europe, the likelihood of our being related is extremely good. On the other hand, if your family is not Jewish, chances are we are not related.

 If there appears to be any chance that we may be related or that you may know other people with whom I may be related, I would be extremely grateful if you would contact me. Even if you are sure that we are not related, I'd appreciate hearing from you so I can take your name and that of any else you know is from a different Schattner family off my list.

 Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to respond to this request. If we are related and you are interested in seeing the family tree that I ultimately come up with, I'd be glad to share it with you.


 Peter Schattner
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This page last updated on 3/15/98