Steinherz Family Genealogy

I have limited information anout the Steinherz Family branch of my personal genealogy. I know that the Steinherz family was Jewish and came from Central Europe, primarily from Vienna and other parts of what was then known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  I know that Regina Steinherz (my great grand mother) was a very successful businesswoman who built a small family laundry into a substantial garment company - under her husband's name, "Leoplod Landeis A.G." - in Vienna around the turn of the 20th century .  I also know that her mother, Theresia Reele Fischer Steinherz lived to 104 years before she died (c. 1924) in Mattersdorf in Burgenland near Vienna.  Unfortunately Theresia Steinherz’s tombstone in the Jewish Cemetery of Mattersdorf was destroyed during World War II so that it is not available for further family information. Theresia Steinherz's parents were Abraham Fischer and Elanore Prague Fischer (daughter of Yisroel Prague.) I do not know anything more about them.

Gravestone of Reele SteinherzTombstone of Regine Steinherz Landeis , Vienna, Austria.

The name Steinherz means "Heart of Stone" in German and is quite rare.  I have no idea how the family came to acquire a name that might well not be considered very complimentary.

Two members of the Steinherz Family who did accomplish something special were the sisters, Stephane Roussel and Gertrud Schattner.  Stephane Roussel was the first French woman to be a foreign correspondent for a leading French newspaper.  Gertrud Schattner was the founder and first president of the National Association of Drama Therapists' in the United States.

I have identified two other branches of the Steinherz Family that are also Jewish and come from regions of Central Europe relatively close to one another.  So I presume that the present Steinherz’s are all part of the same family, but I have no additional genealogical evidence to support this assumption.

At this point in time, the Steinherz Family is primarily in the United States and Israel.  I am also aware of some family descendents in England, France, Germany and Canada.  Most likely there are descendents elsewhere, however I have not been able to identify them. The Steinherz Family Charts describe the branches of the family that I am currently aware of.

Page 1 of the Steinherz family tree includes the descendents of Theresia and Simon Steinherz, other than the descendents of Sebastany Steinherz.

Page 2 of the Steinherz family tree includes the descendents of Sebastany Steinherz.

Page 3 of the Steinherz family tree includes the branches descended from Bernard, Emmanuel, Adolf, Armin and Yakov Steinherz.

More Information

For more information on the family of Theresia and Simon Steinherz see the excellent family websites on Geni here and here. A good place to look for general information on Jewish genealogy is the Jewish Genealogy Website.

Feedback Requested

My intention is to maintain and improve this site over time.  I could use some help - if any of you have any old and/or interesting photographs that might be appropriate for this site please let me know.  Similarly if you have other family information, I'd be glad to hear about it.  Or even if you just have feedback on the interest and usability of the information here, I'd enjoy receiving e-mail at schattnerATalumDOTswarthmoreDOTedu (just replace the "AT" with "@" and the "DOT"s with "."s). Thanks.

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This page last updated on 4/15/15