Schwarz Family Genealogy

I have extremely limited information anout the Schwarz Family branch of my personal genealogy.  Fredericke Schwarz (my grandmother) died at the age of 28 and her children had little knowledge of their family origins on the Schwarz Family side.  In addition the name Schwarz (meaning "black" in German) is a very common German name among both Jews and non-Jews.

Gravestone of Frederike SchwarzTombstone of Frederike Schwarz in Jewish Cemetery, Vienna, Austria.

Not knowing the geographic origins of this specific Schwarz Family has made it difficult if not impossible to determine to which larger Schwarz Family this branch belongs.  I am only aware of the more-or-less immediate members of the family as shown on the small Schwarz Family Chart.  In addition, there was a branch of the family that emigrated to Columbia - however attempts to determine whether there are any living descendents from this branch have been fruitless to date.

Two members of my branch of the Schwarz Family who did  accomplish something special were the sisters, Stephane Roussel and Gertrud Schattner.  Stephane Roussel was the first French woman to be a foreign correspondent for a leading French newspaper.  Gertrud Schattner was the founder and first president of the National Association of Drama Therapists' in the United States.

Schwarz Family Chart

More Information

For more information on Jewish genealogy, an excellent place to look is the Jewish Genealogy Website.

Feedback Requested

My intention is to maintain and improve this site over time.  I could use some help - if any of you have any old and/or interesting photographs that might be appropriate for this site please let me know.  Similarly if you have other family information, I'd be glad to hear about it.  Or even if you just have feedback on the interest and usability of the information here, I'd enjoy receiving e-mail at schattnerATalumDOTswarthmoreDOTedu (just replace the "AT" with "@" and the "DOT"s with "."s). Thanks.

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This page last updated on 5/15/98